Hotel &
Room Rental
DoubleTree Hilton, Detroit
Historic hotel offering modern all-suite accommodations in the heart of downtown Detroit keeps you connected online and around town with free internet access and complimentary shuttle.
Quick Tip
Click on any part of the floor plan to learn more.
It's interactive!
Tap on any part of the
floor plan to learn more.

It's interactive!
Hotel &
Room Rental
DoubleTree Hilton, Detroit
Historic hotel offering modern all-suite accommodations in the heart of downtown Detroit keeps you connected online and around town with free internet access and complimentary shuttle.
With: Ethann Fox
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
The Great Reset | Thriving in a New Global Climate
With Ethann Fox | *Included in the weekend pass
We are in the midst of one of the greatest opportunities of our lifetimes. However, what humanity currently faces is not often seen in this light. We have put a chain of events into motion that is ushering in a New Age. But we are being challenged to reinvent our physical lives to the level of consciousness we have attained; a Heaven-on-earth reality and flow state that thrives as we become more collectively focused.
With: Micheila Sheldan
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Channeling Universal Truths - Thriving In A 5th Dimensional Consciousness
With Micheila Sheldan | *Included in the weekend pass
Join Internationally-recognized Intuitive Channel, Micheila Sheldan, for a trance channeled experience designed to help you thrive during a very significant planetary transition in our earth’s history. Hear directly from Higher Dimensional Beings and Collectives about the recent planetary shifts, the affects they are having in our physical world and how to easily navigate the current energies. Experience the love and healing energy of Mary Magdalene.
With: Micheila Sheldan
Fort Miami
Lightworker Inner Circle Channeled Workshop
With Micheila Sheldan | *Limited to 25 people
Become part of a collective consciousness in this intimate connection to spirit that is uniquely designed for the attendees present. Just days before the event, Micheila calls all Beings forward who will participate in the transmission and downloads the course material. The result is an interactive, high vibrational, loving interaction that will serve the unique vibrational needs of all attendees. The workshop includes meditations, activations and light-coded transmissions, as well as the opportunity to ask personal questions that will expand understanding and insights.
With: Mark Romero
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Connect with Your Higher Self - Reveal the Magnificence Within
With Mark Romero | *Included in the weekend pass
Join Mark Romero, as he takes you on a consciousness expanding musical and energy healing journey that will rise you above the vibrational barriers and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from accessing your greatness and unlimited divine potential. You already are Magnificent! You already are Enlightened! Now is the time to embody this truth and step into being the divine unlimited expression of life and possibility that you are meant to be.
With: Mark Romero
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Rising Above 5G | Awakening Your Inner Conductor
With Mark Romero | *Included in the weekend pass
Join Mark Romero as he shares a revolutionary approach for rising above the negative effects of energy disruptors such as, 5G, Wifi, toxic chemicals and even money. Through this approach, you will be able to eliminate the negative effects of these disruptors and harmonize your body, mind and spirit. You will discover how these forces that are meant to limit and become conduits that enhance the awakening of humanity.
With: Mandara Cromwell
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Cymatics – A Portal To The Stars
With Mandara Cromwell | *Included in the weekend pass
CEO of Cyma Technologies, Cymatics researcher and author, Mandara Cromwell asks us to take a pause and look upward at the skies. Many are struck with wonder in these moments. We become aware of a “sky symphony” that includes floating clouds, the setting sun, the rising moon, the first twinkling of the stars and the glow of the planets. What messages do the heavens hold for us?
With: Tricia McCannon
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Galactic Awakening, The Shift Of The Ages & The New Earth
With Tricia McCannon | *Included in the weekend pass
The Fourth Age of Earth is ending, and the Fifth Age of Earth is Being Born. Those who know, predict that it will be an Age of Light where Humanity will once more awaken our latent Spiritual abilities. Yet what are the Signs that this Age is approaching? The development of Space Travel, Faster than Light Technology and vast discoveries in the fields of Astronomy, Quantum Physics, DNA and Fiber Optics are all symptoms of this awakening.
With: Xane Daniel
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
The Final Lesson
With Xane Daniel | *Included in the weekend pass
As students of Spirituality, we're here to learn lessons, experience our path and grow. This 3D life is a challenging and extraordinary existence that offers hardships, distractions, and obstacles that we must overcome to reach our divine goals. But there is one lesson that will propel us down the path of our purpose. This lesson will clear the way so we can accomplish our goals unencumbered. It will help remove blockages and negative self-talk. It will help us love ourselves and the world unconditionally.
With: Denise Mange
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Pets & Animals as Ascension Guides
With Denise Mange | *Included in the weekend pass
Join Denise on a transformational discussion of how animal companions help us bridge energies from 3D and 5D realities. Learn how sacred contracts between humans and animal companions allow us to journey into a deeper relationship with ourselves and step more fully into our gifts and broader role in the universe, and the cosmic connections animals more generally are helping us anchor into our new reality.
With: Jim Vieira
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Atlantis, the Law of One and the spiritual science of the Ancients
With Jim Vieira | *Included in the weekend pass
Stonemason and Ancient Mysteries television host Jim Vieira, will share the results of his several decades worldwide search to uncover the truth of our past and the strikingly similar ancient worldwide spiritual philosophies that date back to the temple priests of the lost continent of Atlantis. View our past through the eyes of the great mystics Edgar Cayce, Madame Blavatsky, and Rudolph Steiner, the secret societies of the Freemasons and Rosicrucian’s as well as ancient religious documents.
With: John Vivanco
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Remote Viewing the Mysteries – From High Strangeness to the Self
With John Vivanco | *Included in the weekend pass
Remote Viewing is not just the act of getting information on non-local events. In reality, it is a method to know the self. Join John Vivanco, as he journeys through his life as a 20 year professional Remote Viewer, revealing mind bending projects he's worked on, from the past to the present. Whether working projects with government agencies or exploring areas of high strangeness, the method of Remote Viewing results in an internal deconstruction that ultimately leads beyond all time.
With: Barbara Lamb
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
A Therapist’s Personal Visits With Extraterrestrial Beings
With Barbara Lamb | *Included in the weekend pass
After a few years of hypnotically regressing people to the details of their extraterrestrial encounters, Barbara began having her own extraterrestrial encounters. She will share details of these encounters, which were different from the accounts of encounters which we usually hear about. Each encounter was entirely different and involved very different kinds of beings. She will show artistic depictions of the settings and the beings.
With: Aaron Sudo
Bitcoin Basics
With Aaron Sudo
What does it take to get into cryprocurrency? Learn the fundamentals of what it means and what to expect from using digital money. From buying, selling, trading, storing, and securing your cryptocurrency funds, you will have a thorough understanding of the skills needed to navigate the vast world of this digital realm!
With: Barb Morey
Fort Drummond
The Human Aura And Energy Circles
With Barb Morey | *Limited to 12 people
Did you know that your aura can have breaks in it which allows illness to get in? Join Barb Morey as she shows you how to construct an energy circle to enhance and strengthen your Aura. Barb will tell you about the many aspects of the human Aura including how and why an energy circle is of benefit. This workshop will add another tool to your tool belt as you learn how to construct an energy circle for yourself and for others.
With: Tricia McCannon
St Aubin
Giants, Fairies and Strange Archaeology
With Tricia McCannon
For thousands of years human beings knew that they were not the only intelligent human beings in the universe. In fact, in history, the legends of human encounters with giants, fairies, mermaids, leprechauns, ETs, angels, and otherworldly creatures abound. Some of these beings were clearly third dimensional, while others were not. These beings push the envelope of what we think of as reality today.
With: Mandara Cromwell
St Aubin
The Magic Carpet Of Sound
With Mandara Cromwell | *Limited to 25 people
Aladdin whispered, “Open sesame,” words that released the locks to concealed treasure. The prince’s carpet became “magic” as his thought vibrations commanded the colorful threads to fly, transporting him to a place of calm and serenity. Myths, legends and scriptural texts have proclaimed the power of sound through the millennia.
With: Cathleena Hailley
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Living Your Soul’s True Potential
With Cathleena Hailley | *Included in the weekend pass
Through a brief explanation of our energetic history, Cathleena will help you understand the dominant frequencies playing out in humanity and how to completely unplug from the false 3D matrix. She will conduct three activations to bring you into the Zero point, step into the 5D and realize your true, multidimensional self.
With: Darren Sadge
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Your Journey Home
With Darren Sadge | *Included in the weekend pass
Darren Sadge takes you on a journey into an inner world of unconditional, unlimited Divine love, peace, joy, creativity, and knowing. You will have the chance to awaken into a vast new world reality that's available to you right here, right now and under all circumstances. Through a shaktipat transmission, Darren serves as a vehicle for awakening and becoming fully self-contained and autonomous.
With: Juhl Macintyre
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Quantum Jumping: Tools to Navigate our Multidimensional Universe
With Juhl Macintyre | *Included in the weekend pass
Join Juhl Macintyre and open the door to your highest timeline potential through sacred geometric codes. Juhl will teach you to use higher sensory perception to expand your awareness and navigate your life with more ease. Through exploration of how emotions, thoughts and beliefs affect your hologram and the underlying energetic patterns that form our world, you will be able to put the puzzle pieces together to connect with your multidimensional nature and unlock your divine gifts.
With: Freddy Silva
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Lost Lands and Ancient Architects
With Freddy Silva | *Included in the weekend pass
Join Freddy Silva for a unique presentation following groups of wisdom keepers and gods that appeared out of nowhere around 9600 BC. These beings embarked on a temple rebuilding process at carefully chosen locations, including New Zealand, Yucatan, Gobekli Tepe, the Andes, and the Nile. You’ll discover how this global brotherhood was connected, the legacy it left behind, and the location of the previously unknown island of the Shining Ones.
With: Brooklin Rayne
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
The Divine Master Frequency of Forgiveness
With Brooklin Rayne | *Included in the weekend pass
Brooklin Rayne will discuss the Golden Christ Key Codex of Forgiveness and conduct a multi galactic transmission and Sophianic Christ initiation. During this journey together, channeled wisdom and transmissions from several multiversal Christ collectives will be shared. There also will be a cellular water and crystalline DNA activation to prepare and activate your vehicle of consciousness, as well as an activation and journey into the Divine womb of forgiveness where the alchemizing of densities.
With: Kaylaa Kayce
Cost:Included in Weekend Pass
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Crystal Ballroom
Conscious Children: Bringing a New Perspective
With Kaylaa Kayce | *Included in the weekend pass
Kaylaa will discuss today’s multidimensional children and their significant impact on our awakening. She will present how kids with spiritual abilities give us a new perspective on our own ascension and the world we live in, while also challenging generations before them to shift their perspectives about who they are and how they relate to them.
10th | 5pm
Energy Transfer
With Ethann Fox & Barb Morey
The Great Reset | Thriving in a New Global Climate
With Ethann Fox
We are in the midst of one of the greatest opportunities of our lifetimes. However, what humanity currently faces is not often seen in this light. We have put a chain of events into motion that is ushering in a New Age. But we are being challenged to reinvent our physical lives to the level of consciousness
Channeling Universal Truths - Thriving In A 5th Dimensional Consciousness
With Micheila Sheldan
Join Internationally-recognized Intuitive Channel, Micheila Sheldan, for a trance channeled experience designed to help you thrive during a very significant planetary transition in our earth’s history. Hear directly from Higher Dimensional Beings and Collectives
Lost Lands and Ancient Architects
With Freddy Silva
Join Freddy Silva for a unique presentation following groups of wisdom keepers and gods that appeared out of nowhere around 9600 BC. These beings embarked on a temple rebuilding process at carefully chosen locations, including New Zealand, Yucatan, Gobekli Tepe, the Andes, and the Nile. You’ll discover how this global
The Divine Master Frequency of Forgiveness
With Brooklin Rayne
Brooklin Rayne will discuss the Golden Christ Key Codex of Forgiveness and conduct a multi galactic transmission and Sophianic Christ initiation. During this journey together, channeled wisdom and transmissions from several multiversal Christ collectives will be shared. There also will be a cellular water and crystalline DNA
Your Journey Home
With Darren Sadge
Darren Sadge takes you on a journey into an inner world of unconditional, unlimited Divine love, peace, joy, creativity, and knowing. You will have the chance to awaken into a vast new world reality that's available to you right
Living Your Soul’s True Potential
With Cathleena Hailley
Through a brief explanation of our energetic history, Cathleena will help you understand the dominant frequencies playing out in humanity and how to completely unplug from the false 3D matrix. She will conduct three activations to bring you into the Zero point, step into the 5D and realize your true, multidimensional self.
The Human Aura And Energy Circles
With Barb Morey
Did you know that your aura can have breaks in it which allows illness to get in? Join Barb Morey as she shows you how to construct an energy circle to enhance and strengthen your Aura. Barb will tell you about the many aspects of the human Aura including how and why an energy circle is of benefit. This workshop will add another tool
VIP Afterglow Social
Mingle with Micheila Sheldan, Ethann Fox, and the expo presenters and staff at the VIP Afterglow. Hors d'oeuvres included. Nonalcoholic beverages available at additional cost. Space is limited due to room capacity.

*Limited to 50 Participants
Lightworker Inner Circle Channeled Workshop
With Micheila Sheldan
Become part of a collective consciousness in this intimate connection to spirit that is uniquely designed for the attendees present. Just days before the event, Micheila calls all Beings forward who will participate in the transmission and downloads the course material. The result is an interactive, high vibrational, loving interaction that will serve the unique vibrational
Renewal Clearing & Healing
Christine Fodor, energy medicine specialist & psychic channel using divine awareness, helps you to create greater success in love, relationships, business, health & wealth. By using multiple modalities to remove limitations and blocks, such as ThetaHealing, Access Consciousness Bars or Body Processes (including Energetic Facelift anti-aging), Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master, to deliver the best outcome for you.
Christa Lynn
Psychic/Medium/Empath Tarot readings. Hand Reflexology and Energy Healings
The Oils Nurse, LLC
doTERRA Essential Oils is an essential oil company changing the world one drop at a time. We provide the purest, highest quality essential oils and products to empower you and your loved ones with health and wellness. We offer infused products, diffusers, and wellness lifestyle education. We will be giving oil samples.
Sutherlands Style
Selling seven-way scarf shirts and jewelry.
Water Table
Bemer Partner
The BEMER is a physical vascular therapy medical/wellness device widely used throughout Europe for the past 20 years. It uses a pulsed electromagnetic field – aka PEMF – to deliver a patented therapeutic signal to help improve the impaired pumping of small and very small blood vessels to promote good blood flow throughout the body. It is scientifically proven to improve blood flow by up to 30%.
Mark Romero
Discover how you can create a more abundant and prosperous life through Mark Romero's revolutionary Sound Healing Technology. Enjoy music, mindsets and meditations that will align you with your power and ability to compose the life of your dreams.
The Biomat Company
The BioMat is a “pad” which lies on top of a massage table or your home mattress. It converts electricity through an EMI device (Electromagnetic Interceptor), which then passes through a computerized control panel with 9 variable heat settings, into Far Infrared Rays (FIR), and Negative Ions. These frequencies penetrate 6 inches into the innermost recesses of the body, stimulating the healing process.
Scalar energy products for EMF protection and natural healing. Pendants, bracelets, flasks, shields, EMF whole home neutralizer plug.
Tune In With Me
Psychic readings, pendulums, Crystal bowl readings, Chakra stones.
Pseudo Consulting
Aaron Sudo is an Information Technology Professional specialized in "digitizing & automating" the analog world with which we are all familiar. Learn the fundamentals of what cryptocurrency means and what to expect from using digital money.
Peace Of Love Healing
Peace of Love Healing is owned and operated by Jessica Guibord. She has been practicing EnergyTouch® healing techniques since 2014 when she began her formal training at the EnergyTouch® School of Advanced Healing in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The goal of Peace of Love Healing is to bring well-being, love, and light to all those in need. She will be offering sacred Well Waters from Ireland and England.
CYMA Technologies
Cymatherapy is the utilization of frequency or sound waves to create vibrant health through advanced sound technology. Through my studies, I learned that sound could be applied to the body trans-dermally which resulted in the vision and innovation of the AMI – Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices. In 2013, AMI 750 was nominated for the Thomas Edison Award for Innovation in the Fields of Science & Medicine.
Moji Life
The AirMoji provides a solution to help you breathe easier. We offer the latest in innovative technology & design providing custom fragrances with subtle sophistication. AirMoji is the next step in fragrance infusion. From all-purpose cleaning to air purifying, MojiClean products use the power of natural essential oils to create non-toxic products that clean deeply.
Tune In With Me
Psychic readings, pendulums, Crystal bowl readings, Chakra stones.
Souls Journey
Spiritual Medium. Angel and Soul Connector. Will connect to your loved ones, who've crossed over to deliver useful, practical, meaningful, encouraging & supportive messages. Cards and psychic readings.
Ask Laura
Since 1991, Laura has been doing psychic readings as a professional. Her accurate readings have brought her international acclaim. Ask Laura offers life guidance & assistance through Spiritual Counseling.
Water Table
Bemer Partner
The BEMER is a physical vascular therapy medical/wellness device widely used throughout Europe for the past 20 years. It uses a pulsed electromagnetic field – aka PEMF – to deliver a patented therapeutic signal to help improve the impaired pumping of small and very small blood vessels to promote good blood flow throughout the body. It is scientifically proven to improve blood flow by up to 30%.
Scalar Light
Scalar Light Therapy is a Groundbreaking Remote Energy Healing Technology that is helping many people address the root cause of chronic illness and disease. Scalar Light is the intelligent energy of the sun and stars, carrying instructions and information for the human body and the entire universe. Scalar energy is also known as prana, chi, radiant energy, zero-point energy, qi, orgone, and eloptic energy.
Scalar4Health is the U.S. Seller of the Authentic Japanese Technology “Scalar Energy” Quantum Science Products. We take pride in providing the authentic Japanese Quantum Science Products that allow our customers to enjoy greater energy, balance and strength. Our products are the result of exhaustive and comprehensive R & D done in collaboration with world-class experts.
Home To Heal, LLC
Young Living Essential Oils.
Expo Help Desk
Audranite Pyramids
Audranite pyramids are hand-crafted with ancient-future concepts. Created with rose quartz crystals and fiber optics, among other materials, Audranite pyramids continually transmit positive energy and transmute negative energy. Inspired by the research of Wilhelm Reich and the development of orgonite, Audranite takes orgonite from an analog device to a digital device.
The Charmed Crystal, LLC
The Charmed Crystal L.L.C. specialize in creating unique handcrafted jewelry designs made of natural crystals and gemstones to help ease the negative effects of illnesses as well as attract and manifest one’s life desires such as love, money, and protection. I offer many types of bracelet, necklace, and earring designs.
Tricia McCannon
Tricia McCannon is an American mystic and the author of 4 bestselling books. As a Keynote Speaker, she speaks on a variety of subject from Awakening the Divine Feminine to the Lost Years and Secret Teachings of Jesus & Mary Magdalene. She is the Director of the Phoenix Fire Mystery School, Founder of the Gnosis Learning Institute and was the Founder/President of UFO Forum in Atlanta for almost a decade.
Bill Hobart Intuitive
Bill was born knowing things others don't. For over 25 years people have been looking to him for guidance and messages. It is his honor to help them heal on every level. Each session is spirit led, for your highest good. Bill will be offering Clairvoyant Medium Psychic Readings.
Ron, the Large Tall Medium
Ron, the Large Tall Medium, bringing you short messages from the larger spirit world and other psychic services. Offering Psychic Medium Readings.
Intuition By Sarah
Intuition has always been a big part of my life. Through experience & learning my path, it has become clearer & stronger. I love sharing & helping others Offering Intuitive Angel & Oracle Card Readings; Mediumship.
Scalar4Health is the U.S. seller of the authentic Japanese technology Quantum Science products, and is a leader in eradicating electro pollution in the world of high technology. We take pride in providing products that allow our customers to enjoy greater energy, balance, and strength, and emit the atmosphere's natural "Scalar Energy". Our products are the result of exhaustive and comprehensive R & D done in collaboration with world class eperts. By utilizing the principals of energy medicine, scalar energy, bio-technology and nano-technology, Scalar4Health brings to the people high-end quality products that offer optimum health and wellness.
Quantum Flask
Quantum Round Lava Pendant
Premium Square Pendant
Quantum Charger
Premium Hexagon Pendant
Quantum Shields
Obsidian & Milky Jade Yin/Yang Pendant
QS Silver Bracelet. Beautifully designed, High Quality Silver Plated Material. Made for Unisex. Great for the body’s Biofield & Flexibility!
Quantum Flask
QS Flasks are made with High End Stainless Steel Material. The Volcanic Minerals is embedded in the Flask by using Nano-Technology & Heat Infusion. Turn your drinking water into living, vibrational, alkaline water simply by drinking it from this flask.
Quantum Round Lava Pendant
QS Scalar Energy Lava Pendant. This is our Flagship Product & Authentic Japanese Technology. This pendant works to protect your body's biofield from electomagnetic radiation and frequencies being emitted in your home, office & tech devices.
Premium Square Pendant
QS Premium Square Pendant & 20 ” Necklace. Beautifully designed in Stainless Steel material. Lava Minerals infused can be seen. Great for the body’s Biofield!
Quantum Charger
QS Charger. A Stainless Steel Clamp that may be attached to your Shower or Kitchen Sink Pipe. The Charger energizes your water creating Vibrational Water which is great for your hands, skin & whole body.
Premium Hexagon Pendant
QS Premium Hexagon Pendant & Necklace. Beautifully designed in Stainless Steel material. Great for the body’s Biofield!
Quantum Shields
QS Shields nullify the Harmful effects of EMR & EMF from Cellphones, Microwaves, Laptops, Cordless Phones, any device. A Must Have to Shield the Biofield from EMF.
Obsidian & Milky Jade Yin/Yang Pendant
Obsidian - Protects against depression and negativity. Symbolizes self control and resilience. White Milky Jade - cleanses kidneys, adrenals & removes toxins. Assists in fertility and childbirth.
Full Schedule
08:46 am
Crystal Ballroom
Energy Transfer
With Ethann Fox & Barb Morey
The Great Reset | Thriving in a New Global Climate
With Ethann Fox
We are in the midst of one of the greatest opportunities of our lifetimes. However, what humanity currently faces is not often seen in this light. We have put a chain of events into motion that is ushering in a New Age. But we are being challenged to reinvent our physical lives to the level of consciousness
Channeling Universal Truths - Thriving In A 5th Dimensional Consciousness
With Micheila Sheldan
Join Internationally-recognized Intuitive Channel, Micheila Sheldan, for a trance channeled experience designed to help you thrive during a very significant planetary transition in our earth’s history. Hear directly from Higher Dimensional Beings and Collectives
Lost Lands and Ancient Architects
With Freddy Silva
Join Freddy Silva for a unique presentation following groups of wisdom keepers and gods that appeared out of nowhere around 9600 BC. These beings embarked on a temple rebuilding process at carefully chosen locations, including New Zealand, Yucatan, Gobekli Tepe, the Andes, and the Nile. You’ll discover how this global
The Divine Master Frequency of Forgiveness
With Brooklin Rayne
Brooklin Rayne will discuss the Golden Christ Key Codex of Forgiveness and conduct a multi galactic transmission and Sophianic Christ initiation. During this journey together, channeled wisdom and transmissions from several multiversal Christ collectives will be shared. There also will be a cellular water and crystalline DNA
Your Journey Home
With Darren Sadge
Darren Sadge takes you on a journey into an inner world of unconditional, unlimited Divine love, peace, joy, creativity, and knowing. You will have the chance to awaken into a vast new world reality that's available to you right
Living Your Soul’s True Potential
With Cathleena Hailley
Through a brief explanation of our energetic history, Cathleena will help you understand the dominant frequencies playing out in humanity and how to completely unplug from the false 3D matrix. She will conduct three activations to bring you into the Zero point, step into the 5D and realize your true, multidimensional self.
Fort Drummond
The Human Aura And Energy Circles
With Barb Morey
Did you know that your aura can have breaks in it which allows illness to get in? Join Barb Morey as she shows you how to construct an energy circle to enhance and strengthen your Aura. Barb will tell you about the many aspects of the human Aura including how and why an energy circle is of benefit. This workshop will add
Fort Miami
Lightworker Inner Circle Channeled Workshop
With Micheila Sheldan
Become part of a collective consciousness in this intimate connection to spirit that is uniquely designed for the attendees present. Just days before the event, Micheila calls all Beings forward who will participate in the transmission and downloads the course material. The result is an interactive, high vibrational
Motor City Kitchen
VIP Afterglow Social
Mingle with Micheila Sheldan, Ethann Fox, and the expo presenters and staff at the VIP Afterglow. Hors d'oeuvres included. Nonalcoholic beverages available at additional cost. Space is limited due to room capacity.

*Limited to 50 Participants