Our 3-day expo includes an exciting line up of topics presented by speakers who are pioneers and experts in their fields. Our featured keynotes are nationally recognized, but equally remarkable is the quality and depth of our panel participants and workshop leaders, all whom are doing groundbreaking work in the areas of health and wellness, spirituality and technology. The goal of our guest speakers and panels is to share their views and provide real world tools that will inspire positive change, while encouraging attendee interaction and exchange of ideas with one another.
Check back regularly. New presenters will be added every week.
Ethann Fox
Ethann Fox, spiritual teacher and founder of the Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution and the Awake And Empowered Expo, always had a feeling that he had a gift with energy. From an early age and through his adult years in the business and financial world, he had an intense knowing that he could help people and never walked away from someone in need. Simultaneously, he walked... |
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Micheila Sheldan
Micheila Sheldan is a psychic intuitive and channel who is able to connect with her Spirit Guides, Teachers, Ascended Masters and Guardian Angels, as well as those of others. Her awakening and connection to this higher vibrational realm came as the result of overcoming a struggle with chronic pain. Frustrated by years of unsuccessful Western medical treatments, tests and prescriptions, Micheila delved into Eastern philosophy, meditation and holistic healing modalities to overcome her condition. As she... |
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Barb Morey
Barb Morey had seen people glowing with beautiful colors since birth. And throughout her life developed a sense of how to detect health problems and even impending death by carefully evaluating this glow. But it wasn't until her late 30s that Morey realized what she was seeing was an aura. When a therapist recognized and defined her creative gifts, she was inspired to study auras and healing modalities. In addition to her own personal research, Morey studied under gifted aura reader and author, Barbara... |
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Barbara Lamb
Barbara Lamb is a psychotherapist , hypnotherapist and regression therapist, and researcher of peoples' encounters with extraterrestrial beings of many different species and various agendas. Since 1991 she has regressed and counseled more than 2000 people in 3600 regressions. She has conducted support groups for experiencers in her home and at many UFO conferences. Her research includes the crop circle phenomenon, many aspects of the extraterrestrial phenomenon and ET-Human Hybrids. She has lectured at... |
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Mark Romero
Mark Romero is an internationally renowned sound healer and transformational leader. A former top consultant to NASA discovered that Mark is a channel for energy that enhances people's connection to the creative universal source. Out of this discovery emerged a revolutionary music and energy healing technology that is helping people around the world heal their lives, expand awareness and unlock their potential. Through his music series, activations and online courses, Mark is helping people restore harmony... |
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Freddy Silva
Freddy Silva is a bestselling author, and a leading researcher of alternative history, ancient knowledge, and the interaction between temples and consciousness. He has published five books: The Lost Art of Resurrection; First Templar Nation; The Divine Blueprint; Secrets In The Fields; and Chartres Cathedral: The missing or heretic guide. His books have been published in five languages. For over fifteen years he has been an international keynote speaker, with notable appearances at the International... |
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Darren Sadge
Darren is a messenger of love and a heart centered way of being who is here to awaken others into an experience of their own divine nature. Throughout lifetimes, he has served humanity and other collectives as a teacher and student of many enlightened masters and beings. Darren is guided by Christ-Consciousness and Archangel Metatron, and many master teachers and once served as an enlightened Macedonian King. Darren serves as a vehicle for healing and transformative grace in order to awaken... |
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