Detroit, Michigan August 10, 2013
Organizers announce The Awake and Empowered Expo -Thriving in an Era of Higher Consciousness, taking place at Cobo Center in Detroit, Michigan on October 11-13, 2013. Experts from around the globe will present the latest advancements in holistic health, wellness, science and free energy technology.
"The Awake and Empowered Expo is the first event of its kind," said Ethann Fox, founder of Flower of Life Center and visionary behind the expo. " We now have the scientific understanding to extend our lives to 1,000 years and beyond in perfect health and strengthen and heal the mind, body, and spirit through frequency and the vibration of sound. This event brings research, technology and viable solutions into the hands of the public, allowing them to live healthier and happier."
The schedule includes insightful lectures, workshops and panel discussions on emerging technologies in the fields of energy, space travel, teleportation, and genetics; the benefits of adopting a Raw Vegan diet; the application of sound and vibrational frequencies to support the immune system and overall wellbeing; and techniques for mitigating the many toxins in our modern world, such as GMO foods and electromagnetic fields.
Attendees will enjoy interactive raw food and juicing demos, participate in the meditative and energy balancing practices of Tai Chi and Ki Qigong, and realign and strengthen the body through yoga and the vibration of planetary gongs.
Highlighted speakers include Russian scientist and creator of Linguistic Wave Genetics, Dr. Peter Gariaev, Ph.D, founder of the largest raw, organic produce co-operative in the U.S., Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, best-selling author on the origins of our human race, Michael Tellinger, internationally renowned High-Vibration Music Artist, Mark Romero, and the world’s leading physicist in Torsion-Physics research, Dr. Gennedy Shipov.
Participants can purchase a special ticket to mingle with all of the keynote presenters at a VIP Afterglow event planned for Saturday evening at 10 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza Hotel across the street from Cobo Center.
A theater room will feature educational documentaries throughout the day on Saturday with question and answer sessions hosted by directors and experts including Michael J. Murphy, award winning Director/Producer, Political Activist and President of The Coalition Against Geoengineering.
The expo also features exhibitors with innovative products and services that support a holistic and healthy lifestyle such as supplements, herbs and detoxification products; raw, organic and non-GMO foods; massage therapy, reiki and holistic health modalities; and eco-friendly home and personal products. Personal services and private consultations will also be offered by appointment.
The event opens Friday, October 11th with a welcome reception and viewing of the movie, "Thrive - What in the World Will it Take?" at 7 p.m. On October 12th through the 13th, the expo runs from 8:30 a.m. until midnight and there are many ticket options to choose from. Tickets may be purchased by visiting the expo website at awakeandempowered.com.
Accommodations are provided by the Crowne Plaza Hotel and a discounted block of rooms will be reserved for attendees after August 15th. Refer to the Awake and Empowered Expo website for further details.